Chieftain Day

Activity Overview

Target Audience:  Key Stage 2 & 3

Learn skills from our clan of Archers, Hunters, Warriors, Druids and Crafts People to become as brave and wise a leader as Boudicca!

Each clan of 15 will earn gold coins as they complete each challenge in this team building day to earn enough for their clan to become recognised Chieftains:

  • Learn the art of Target Archery
  • Hunting archery practice in the woods
  • Fire lighting without matches
  • Craft your own Torc necklace
  • Woodland Quest
  • Traditional Trade and barter with Celtic coins.

Trading has two parts:

  • Part 1: your class will swap real artefacts as they role play as Celtic characters and use numerical problem solving in the trading game to barter for a wide range of goods.
  • Part 2: your pupils will enjoy Trading with Celtic coins, by swapping their pocket money for Catuvellaunni coins to trade for the more precious produce in the shop, with a wide range of heritage produce supporting local craftsmen.

“Complimenting our school’s “Learning Characters” topic. These activities went hand in hand with resilience and perseverance” C Richardson, Uni College Junior, June 2019

“All of it was completely immersed in the topic. Great opportunities to try skills not in the curriculum” – Mrs Meals, St Nicholas Harlow, June 2019

FSM Pupils Go Free! Funding confirmed up to December 2024.

100% bursary for Free School Meal pupils guaranteed in four simple steps:

1. Book your trip online
2. Complete the bursary form that you will receive on your trip confirmation email
3. When Celtic Harmony invoices your school, pay for your trip
4. Once the trip has been paid for Celtic Harmony will transfer your bursary funding to the school bank account

£30 / Student

Adult Helpers FREE
A full day of hands-on challenges from 10am until 2.30pm/3pm
Ratio of 1 adult helper to 8 Children

Hands-on education

We not only believe in the importance of the individual, but also working as a team. All the teams worked well together and everyone went back to school very tired but happy and wanting to return for some more adventures.
- Teacher

Sherrardswood School


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