Our Supporters

Celtic Harmony is very grateful for all the kind support of trusts and grant funding organisations that enable the charity to work effectively to deliver high quality inclusive experiential learning to a wide range of groups.

The European Agricultural Fund awarded funding to install family and disabled washrooms and toilet facility and heating.

The National Lottery Heritage Fund awarded Celtic Harmony a Culture Recovery Fund Continuity grant supporting winter maintenance and preparation of facilities for Spring 2022 opening and delivery of Prehistory experiences to families, schools and community groups. 

The National Lottery Heritage Fund supported Celtic Harmony’s core operations and:

  • School Remote Learning programme with a Round 1 Culture Recovery Fund Award from November 2020 to March 2021.
  • Reopening of Celtic Harmony Camp and provision of family / schools day and overnight experiences, with a Round 2 Culture Recovery Fund Award from April to June 2021.
  • Provided funding for our 2024 Lavina’s Legacy, Skills from the Past for the Future Volunteering Programme

 The John Apthorp charity has funded our disabled toilet in the new Prehistory Centre.


The Shanly Foundation is helping to fund the internal fittings of the Prehistory Centre.

 The Ernest Cook Trust funded seventeen children to particpate in a Go Tribal Residential Experience and sixty children to enjoy a Prehistory Experience day trip.

 Hertfordshire Community Foundation funded forty one children from two of the most deprived areas in Hertfordshire to participate in our Building Resilience Residential Programme.

Garfield Weston provided funding for seventy nine children from Inner City London to learn through hands-on prehistory activities such as den-building and archery before sleeping overnight in the roundhouses; the experience aims to develop independence and teamwork as well as an appreciation for the natural world.

Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation funded twenty four children from a disadvantaged school in Luton for a Prehistory Explorer Residential experience. They gained confidence and teamwork skills through their stay, sleeping over in our roundhouses and enjoying learning about prehistory.

The Sylvia Adams Trust helped fund the development of our new website, improving the accessibility and promotion of the charity.

 East Herts Community Grant enabled us to install wooden flooring in our Owl Roundhouse

 Through the Locality Budget, Councillor Kaye and Councillor Deering helped us install wooden flooring in our Stag and Horse Roundhouses.