Corporate Volunteering

Corporate Volunteering

Are you looking for some team building with a difference? 

Are you looking to find a way that your organisation can contribute towards the local community? 

Are you looking for a way to inspire environmental awareness for your team, or just fancy a change of scenery?

A day out of the office where you and your colleagues can gain new experiences, take part in team building exercises and boost your communications skills at Celtic Harmony Camp is what you need.

Set in the tranquil and natural settings of Bourne Wood, the camp is a reconstruction of a Celtic Iron age Settlement, which includes a Chieftain Roundhouse, Herb Garden, Archery Field, Wooded Hunting Zone and acres upon acres of un-spoilt woodland. The camp allows you step back into Celtic times, enabling you to experience the ancient culture, crafts, and a range of activities.

Refreshments and food can be provided if required. So if you would like to be able to give something back to the community, and experience things you wouldn’t normally in the office environment, then come and step back in time at the Celtic Harmony Camp.

We can tailor your Corporate Volunteering day to your specifications. Get in touch for more information!

Best Team Building Day Ever!

Improving collaboration and increasing effectiveness

I’d like to thank you and your wonderful staff for providing us with a really excellent team day. I know from the reaction of everyone involved just how much we all enjoyed ourselves – we have some great photos to prove the point!


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Celtic Harmony Camp
Brickendon Lane
SG13 8NY

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(01438) 718 543

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