GDPR Statement

On 25th May 2018, new EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPRs) come into effect, replacing current data protection regulations.  These regulations are intended to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the EU. Celtic Harmony Camp must comply with these new regulations. 

Privacy Notice.

We have created this Privacy Notice to ensure that we meet legal and regulatory requirements in regard to the data we collect about you. This Privacy Notice explains what data we collect, why we collect itho we share it with and how we protect it.

Celtic Harmony Camp is run by a charity (Celtic Harmony) and a visitor experience business (Just Experience Limited), to ensure accessibility to a wide range of experiential offers. Just Experience Ltd coordinates your school/events experience and Celtic Harmony ensures a wide range of people can access experiences through bursaries and runs Lavina’s Legacy, skills from the past for the future.

The data controllers are both Celtic Harmony and Just Experience Limited.


Like most websites, Celtic Harmony website uses cookies to collect information. Cookies are small data files which are placed on your computer or other devices (such as smart ‘phones or ‘tablets’) as you browse this website. They are used to ‘remember’ when your computer or device accesses our websites. Cookies are essential for the effective operation of our website and to help you shop with us online.

Some cookies collect information about browsing behaviour when you access this website via the same computer or device. This includes information about pages viewed, products purchased and your journey around a website. We do not use cookies to collect or record information on your name, address or other contact details. If you want to disable cookies you need to change your website browser settings to reject cookies.

What information do we collect about you?


The information we hold is necessary for us to complete any visitor experience or school trip bookings with you. These include –

  • Email Address
  • Postal Address
  • School/ Individual Telephone numbers
  • Previous order history – including which event your group took part in in previous visits.

Please note we DO NOT store any credit card information. Information is stored on our website and in our database and on mailchimp if you have opted in to our enews.


    Data is stored in order to be able communicated with staff, for emergencies and paying salary. Information is stored on Breathe HR, Management Google Drive, mailchimp and in paper format in a locked HR cupboard.


    Data is stored in order to be able communicated with staff, for emergencies and paying salary. Information is stored on Management and Lavina’s Legacy Google Drive, mailchimp and in paperformat in a locked HR cupboard.

    How will we use this information?

    We will use visitor information to enable us to deliver our services to you.For example, we may need your email address to confirm a programme for a particular visit/ event.

Celtic Harmony Camp will not sell your information to any third parties and we do not transfer this data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA).

    Staff Access to Data


    Alterations will be made to the existing database to allow specific users access to data for specific organisations.  From the users page, you would be able to select ‘Celtic Harmony’, ‘Just Experience’ or ‘Both’ as access options for each member of staff and this would determine the records they would have access to when they login.  In the background we would assign each record to either Celtic Harmony or Just Experience so that they only appear to the correct users. For example

    • School & Visitor: Directors, senior management, education and office team will need access to visitor and school data
    • Volunteers: Directors, senior staff, Executive Assistant, Heritage Ranger, HR/Community Consultants such as Matthew Chilcott Consensus HR.
    • Staff: Directors, Senior Staff, Executive Assistant, HR/Community Consultants such as Matthew Chilcott Consensus HR.

    Information Sharing

    Celtic Harmony shares data with JEL in order to provide experiences at Celtic Harmony Camp. Data is not shared with external organisations and CH/JEL will only share the data listed above in the following circumstances:

    • Where criminal activity is suspected, we may share this information with law enforcement/ other agencies upon their request.

    Protecting your information

    Celtic Harmony Camp takes security of data seriously.  All our data is stored either in a locked cabinet in a locked office or on our local server which is password encrypted and is backed up securely to offsite secure storage.

    Your Rights

    Celtic Harmony Camp observes and complies with Data Subjects’ rights by ensuring that you can have access, upon request, to any of the data we hold about you. You have other rights regarding your data that you may exercise where Celtic Harmony have no legal basis to reject your request, these rights are:

    • You may have your data erased from our systems when we have no legal reason for retaining it.
    • You may object or restrict our handling of your data and to restrict direct marketing
    • You may have access to your data and have it delivered to you in a portable, readable and useable format
    • You may have your data corrected or updated at any time if you believe the data we hold is incorrect

    If you have any questions on how Celtic Harmony Camp handles your data please use the contact details below.

    Reviewed by : Clare Holt-Parrella

    Date: 15/01/25

    Celtic Harmony, registered charity number 1156199, aims to improve the well-being of children, young people and adults from a range of backgrounds and abilities through lifelong learning at Celtic Harmony Camp.

    Just Experience Limited, company number 15934713, coordinates the school and events programme at Celtic Harmony Camp, providing engaging visitor experiences.