Full day Willow Workshop with Josh
Sunday 27th April
10:30am – 3:30pm
Craft your very own willow, or walnut basket using willow weaving techniques, guided by an expert.
Willow weaving is an ancient craft that involves working with willow rods to create baskets, fences, and other structures, practiced for thousands of years, the earliest records of willow weaving in the British Isles date back to the Mesolithic period.
You will use Willow rods during this session, a versatile material that can be stripped, dried, or used freshly cut while maintaining flexibility for weaving.
Price per person
Sunday 27 April
10:30am – 3:30pm
Book your ticket today!
Please set quantity to number of persons attending

About Josh and Emily
Josh and Emily have had a huge shared passion for craft and nature since they met 5 years ago. It’s a goal of theirs to inspire children to get involved with the natural environment and help people to have a connection to the food they eat. Josh established a children’s allotment club 3 years ago to do exactly that, which he now runs with Emily. Through their passion for hands on skills and the desire to meet likeminded people, they met the skilled craftsman Will Lord who has provided opportunities to try out new crafts and get to know others with a similar mindset. It’s because of this that josh and Emily have had the privilege of learning from their mentor, Jane Frost. For the last two years they have been able to spend quality time weaving with Jane and building their knowledge. Now having been able to get to know the lovely people at Celtic Harmony Camp, they are eager to be delivering their own workshops in such a perfect setting that really takes you back in time.