Prehistory Experience

Activity Overview

Travel from being Neolithic Hunter Gatherers to Bronze Age Potters and Iron Age Farmers in this dynamic journey through a million years of Prehistory.

  • Prehistory talk with demonstration of the evolution from Stone to the Iron Age showing real metal ores.
  • Stone Age Flint tools talk and Soap Knapping Arrow Heads
  • Make Your Own Bronze Age Beaker Pot
  • Grind Grain on Iron Age Quern Stones and make Dough
  • Trade and Barter

Trading has two parts:

  • Part 1: your class will swap real artefacts as they role play as characters and use numerical problem solving in the trading game
  • Part 2: your pupils will enjoy trading by swapping their pocket money for Celtic gold coins to trade for the more precious produce in the shop

“The children were completely engaged in the Quern stone grinding and pottery activities. The Flint tool talk and knapping were very informative, allowing them to be creative, making links with their learning.” Robeena Shah, Highlands Primary School, March 2024

All the activities were amazing, the children enjoyed them all, especially the pottery and bread making!” Miss Meale, Dewhurst St Mary Primary School, March 2024

“Everything was beneficial, all the activities were very educational, and it was a great mix of practical and taught information.” Miss Thompson, St. Cuthbert Primary School, April 2024

FSM Pupils Go Free! Funding confirmed up to December 2024.

100% bursary for Free School Meal pupils guaranteed in four simple steps:

1. Book your trip online
2. Complete the bursary form that you will receive on your trip confirmation email
3. When Celtic Harmony invoices your school, pay for your trip
4. Once the trip has been paid for Celtic Harmony will transfer your bursary funding to the school bank account

£20 / Student

Adult Helpers FREE
A full day of hands-on challenges from 10am until 2.30pm/3pm for KS2
Ratio of 1 adult helper to 8 Children

Soap Knapping
Bronze Age Pottery
Grinding Grain on Quern Stones

Hands-on education


“The practical nature of the activities was good. The best part was the guide who gave us so much detail and information on Prehistory”

- S Holland

Teacher, Sarum Hall School


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