
Saturday 1st March & Saturday 5th April

10:30am – 12:30pm

Fancy making your own Flint Arrowhead? Spend the morning with expert Flint Knapper Josh Bluemore to learn this vital skill in Stone Age Britain.

Flint knapping is the primitive art of making sharp edged stone tools using a hammerstone to strike the stone. These could be simple blades and scrapers or ornate knives and arrowheads. Learn the process of shaping the stone using a hammer stone and a variety of techniques from knapping to pressure flaking to create your own arrowhead.

  • Flintknapping was a vital skill in the Stone Age
  • Flintknapping is the process of shaping stone into tools using a hammerstone to strike the stone

This workshop is designed for adults and children aged 12+.

Josh will be staying in the afternoon for Chalk carving and Cordage Taster Activities.

Price per person


Saturday 1 March
10:30am – 12:30pm

Book your ticket today!

Please set quantity to number of persons attending